image of Janet M Banks

Be ok with where you are |Janet Mohapi-Bank

As the UK remains in Covid lockdown it would be easy to feel as though you’ve lost control in what is happening in your life .

It’s easy to imagine the worst case scenario playing out and to find yourself spiralling downwards into resigned despair . It’s at times like this that we need to remember just how powerful we are and that our experience of life is dictated by the thoughts and feelings that we hold to be true .

I was talking to a friend the other day who told me that she felt like a horrible failure when she looked at the vision board she’d created of beach scenes and a laptop lifestyle because her current reality was being locked down in a small flat in raining London.

My advice to her was to stop looking at things that made her feel bad . That goes for other people’s images on Instagram, news reports of Covid deaths and/or insurrection, and even your own pre-paved future journaling .

If what you’re looking at is making you feel bad – stop looking ! Come back to where you are and find a way to be OK with the situation .

One way of doing this is by adding “… but at least ..” to the end of your negative thoughts . “ I haven’t got the laptop lifestyle I put on my vision board for 2020 but at least I have a home, and food, and warmth ”. “ I can’t see clients in real life but at least I can still offer my services through the amazing technology that’s available now ”. “ I missed every single income target for the last three quarters but at least I have my health ”.​

The more you can lean into being OK with where you’re at, the less you’ll feel stressed and overwhelmed by the situation.
And the fact is, even if it goes on for a while, this situation won’t last forever.

There are people who have made enormous strides in their business over the last year, and they are the people who decided that they were able to not only deal with or handle the current state of the world but that this was their time to shine.

To make 2021 a fantastic year:

1 – Start with accepting all of where you are and being OK with it.
2 – From this state of acceptance, visualise how your life would look and feel if everything this year went to plan.
3 – Release any attachment to that vision but hold on to the feelings of it. i.e. Feel into having it but know that everything will still be awesome even if it doesn’t come to pass.
4 – Sit quietly and ask, “what is the next step in creating this vision?” and listen carefully for your intuition to whisper a reply.
5 – Follow the intuitive step and take action enjoying the process without attachment to the outcome.
6 – Decide that everything is always working for your greatest good so you can’t get it wrong and everything will be alright.

Even with everything that’s going on in the world right now, you can still experience a wonderful life by changing the story and choosing to continually face forwards.

Janet Mohapi-Banks The more you can lean into being OK with where you’re at, the less you’ll feel stressed and overwhelmed by the situation . And the fact is, even if it goes on for a while, this situation won’t last forever . There are people who have made enormous strides in their business over the last year, and they are the people who decided that they were able to not only deal with or handle the current state of the world but that this was their time to shine .

To make 2021 a fantastic year : 1 – Start with accepting all of where you are and being OK with it . 2 – From this state of acceptance, visualise how your life would look and feel if everything this year went to plan . 3 – Release any attachment to that vision but hold on to the feelings of it. ie Feel into having it but know that everything will still be awesome even if it doesn’t come to pass . 4 – Sit quietly and ask, “what is the next step in creating this vision?” and listen carefully for your intuition to whisper a reply . 5 – Follow the intuitive step and take action enjoying the process without attachment to the outcome . 6 – Decide that everything is always working for your greatest good so you can’t get it wrong and everything will be alright . Even with everything that’s going on in the world right now, you can still experience a wonderful life by changing the story and choosing to continually face forwards .

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