
Become a PRECIOUS contributor

Write for us!

Are you an expert in your field? Then why not share your expertise with the PRECIOUS Community? We are looking for well written articles on topics that you are passionate about.

PRECIOUS has a diverse audience of well established, growing and aspiring business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs in the UK and internationally. We welcome articles that reflect that.

Get writing! We’d love to hear from you.


Topics We Like?

We welcome articles focused on:

Business Skills

Learning and development

How to Guides


(If you have other subject ideas please let us know)

We’re not looking for sales pieces

We are looking for pieces that show off your expertise
and engage our audience.

Lots of our writers have picked up clients and other work
after writing for PRECIOUS

The Size of It

You are writing for the web so articles of 500-800 words in length work well.

How to get it to us

Please send us your article as a Word or similar document.

We welcome one-off articles. We’d be happy to welcome you as a PRECIOUS contributor if you can commit to writing for us regularly.

Picture this

Any images should be sent separately as a jpg/gif. Please send clear, high quality, images that are suitable for print.

What do YOU get from writing for us?

There are lots of benefits, here are just a few:

An opportunity to talk directly to a niche highly motivated audience not just in the UK but internationally,

We give great promotion across all our social media channels,

The chance to increase traffic to your site,

Generating greater awareness of yourself and brand,

Interested? Email: editor@preciousonline.co.uk