Lisa Bent | Inside Out | Spring Forward
Read the latest from our columnist, transformational counsellor and blogger, Lisa Bent. Check in with Lisa each month, right here, where she’ll be writing about personal development, mental health, social issues and a whole lot more…
“Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”.Albert Einstein
So Spring has arrived, bringing lighter mornings and milder days. At this time of the year I always get the urge to Spring clean.
Windows are washed, pillows fluffed, the winter wardrobe is re-organised, brighter colours emerge and new candles are bought.
The urge for that fresh and light feeling is impulsive and necessary for me. My outside environment changes how I feel inside and there is nothing like clambering into a freshly made bed, within a fresh looking and smelling room, after a full-on day of de-cluttering.
Spring cleaning within also has a place. We are with ourselves for the rest of our lives and therefore our body is also our home.
Our mind, body and soul need to be attended to, as much as our home made of bricks and mortar.
Mind – Be mindful of what you say about yourself to yourself. Self-Talk will be your biggest critic. Pay attention and replace the negative with positive. Mindfulness and meditation exercises will help you to shut out the noise and be still.
Body– Our bodies speak to us all the time, are you listening? Are you nourishing your body with adequate water, healthy food and exercise? Are you giving it the energy it needs to help you do what you do?
Soul – Are you connected? Regardless of what you may or may not believe in, a sense of purpose is important.
All three are separate bits of intelligence that work together, however, it is your job to consciously ensure a sense of alignment to attain some form of harmony.
Who we are is central to everything. As much as life impacts us, we also impact life and the people within it. My main questions to myself, that I step back and review often are as follows;
-Am I surviving or thriving?
-Am I being my best self?
-What is my motivation for doing X,Y or Z?
-Am I/ is this in-line with my integrity?
They are necessary questions to ensure I am springing forward, regardless of the season.
Nothing new is learnt in a toxic or messy environment and clarity will never be found in the comfort zone, outside or inside your head. So be willing to look at what isn’t working and change it, if you can.
If it’s outside of your control, be willing to pick up your stuff and walk. I feel we too often give away our power for numerous reasons.
To feel ‘lighter’ and at peace, you sometimes just have to let go.
We aren’t snails, there is no need to carry additional weight on our backs. So, take the time during this season to de-clutter your mind, body and spirit to create energy and momentum now and hopefully for the rest of the year.
I ask you: what is it that needs to be spring cleaned in your life internally and externally in order for you to Spring Forward?
Good luck on the journey to your best self.
Lisa x
Connect with Lisa @Iam_LisaBent