image of Denise Rawls - Strange Fruit

Movers and Shakers | Denise Rawls | Owner and Creative Force | Strange Fruit

Strange Fruit is a boutique greeting publisher proudly producing stylish and quirky cards reflective of black Britain. Delightfully we don’t have a typical customer; we just have customers from all cultural backgrounds who simply like our cards. The company was founded in October 2010 and is based in Walthamstow, east London   Why did you decide…

image of jo-ealy

30 Essential Ideas to Drive Website Sales

These are certainly challenging times for business aren’t they? As a PRECIOUS reader you’ll already understand the value of a good website, but what are you doing to really improve your marketing prospects to online customers? Grab a coffee, take a five-minute break and see if you could implement one of two these ideas into your…

How To Avoid Redundancy

Redundancy is a word we all know, but not one we like to hear. In the current economic climate however this word is becoming all too familiar in businesses UK wide. CEO of Chilli Pepper Global, Nikki Hutchison has taken an active approach to help people avoid redundancy by creating these 10 Top Tips. Redundancy…

How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

Just like a CV, a good cover letter is essential when looking for work, especially as most employers only spend approximately half a minute casting an eye over each job application. With this in mind, you have to make sure that your cover letter makes enough of an impression in those 30 seconds to make…