
Movers and Shakers | Pilar Nalwimba | My Social Media PA

Pilar Nalwimba is the founder of  My Social Media PA, a creative social media agency based  that manages social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on behalf of a range of clients.Social Media PA won Best New Business at The PRECIOUS Awards 2013.  What drove you to start your own business? I had been made…

5 ways of drawing monies from owner-managed limited companies | Riz Wasti

If you are the owner of a business, that’s not publicly listed, you’ll want to draw money from your company for your own use. If your business is registered as a limited company, it is a separate entity from you, and there are a number of ways you can draw money from it. It all…

10 reasons you must take time out of your business

Most business owners, directors and senior managers spend all of their working days, and sometimes several hours each day of their personal time, dealing with the hurly-burly of day-to-day business life. Since the start of the recession many business owners have complained that a considerable amount of extra time and effort has had to be…

image of Shweta Jhajharia

4 Essential Elements for Effective Team Meetings | Shweta Jhajharia

Effective leadership is one of the most difficult skills to master. However, it is an essential aspect of a positive, effective and profitable working culture. As a business leader, you’re in a position of high visibility and you set the tone for the rest of the organisation. Your employees look to you for guidance and…