Marketing Gems from Jo Sealy: Are you nearly there yet?
Well, the year is halfway done! Once the Olympics are over Christmas will be on the horizon and thoughts of the Yuletide season will be upon us. Everyone starts the year off right with an annual business plan, but most business owners forget the all-important mid-year checkup. So now is a perfect time to review the activities of your business for the year so far, make sure you are achieving your business objectives, and set some new mid-year goals for yourself.
Below are five things you can do to make sure your company is on the right track and ready to meet all of your yearly goals:
1. Check Your Finances. Make a visit to your accountant to get a better grasp on what your finances are looking like (you should be doing this at least quarterly anyway), and what your tax situation is going to be at the end of the financial year. Also look at your cash flow and decide if you are doing better or worse than anticipated.
2. Check Your Customers. Offer a satisfaction survey. Ask the really important people in your contacts list (i.e. your customers) how you are performing. This way, you can stay on the right track if you are doing well, or you can improve if their feedback tells you that you need to do so.
3. Check Your Advertising/Marketing. Are you targeting the right type of client? Are you tweeting? On Facebook? Blogging? Are you offering great deals to lure new customers? Make sure you are taking advantage of all the tools available. What could you do to make things better?
4. Check Your Staff Team. Are they happy, satisfied? How is your turnover rate? Is there anything that you could change that would make your employees happier, or make them better workers for you?
5. Check Yourself. Are you still on course? Motivated? Is there anything that you can do to make your company better?
Take action today and follow these five simple tips to get your business focussed for the rest of 2012, and on the right track for 2013. Happy Marketing!
*Jo Sealy runs the advertising and marketing agency Twitter: @Jo_Sealy or @to_market