

black woman wearing a pink shirt smiling

Starting Up | Ruth Heron Executive Coach and Consultancy Ltd

Over the past decade, I’ve dedicated myself to coaching career women, particularly those over 40 and women leaders of colour, who find themselves facing daunting obstacles on their path to success.


How to create a compelling business plan

Your business plan will be one of the most important tools for showing to banks and investors, to show to relevant people who may be interested in working with you, and for yourself. So what makes a good business plan and what tools do you need to give it the spark it deserves? Create a…

image of Tineka Smith founder of greetings cards company HueTribe

Where are all the interracial couples on greeting cards? | Tineka Smith

The media has long been blamed for perpetuating discrimination of the kind that leaves anyone who isn’t male and white at a social disadvantage.  Despite big changes to policy and corporate best practice, modern life and the design vessels used to communicate sentiment continue to bear the legacy of that discrimination. Design – from architecture…

Rasheed Ogunlaru | Coach on the Coach | January 2017

Dear Rasheed, It’s back to work after the festive break and I have realised that I really hate my job. I am desperate to start my own business. I have a great idea – but I know I have to stay in my current role for a while longer. Until recently I have really enjoyed…