Join us for PRECIOUS Nights: An Audience with Dorothy Koomson | June 1st
Join us for an evening with Britain’s biggest selling black author of adult fiction
Join us for an evening with Britain’s biggest selling black author of adult fiction
Inspired by the work of their author, the entrepreneur and influencer Jessica Huie, and excited by other diversity initiatives in the publishing industry, Hay House UK has launched an initiative to attract more writers of colour. ‘Diverse Wisdom’ will roll out a programme of events and opportunities, starting with a competition for aspiring authors of colour…
Michaela Alexander is the founder of Miles & Mia, an independent creative company that provides fun educational tools. She is the author of Miles & Mia A-Z book, a book series based on the real-life adventures of her children, that aims to bring diverse representation of characters in children’s books. She launched her business just ten…