

image of Janet M Banks

Let’s talk about cash baby | Janet Mohapi-Banks

The way we think and speak about money is very important to the amount of money we are able to receive and also the emotions we feel throughout our day. When we’re brought up with people telling us that “money is really hard to come to by” we will put obstacles in our way that…

image of Janet Douglas

Movers and Shakers | Janet Douglas | Feed My Creative CIC

Janet is the founder of Feed My Creative,  a multi award winning social enterprise, who work with young people and adults demonstrating ways to be more sustainable with fabrics. Their aims are to reduce waste and create more sustainable communities, and inspire creativity through craft workshops focused on using recycled fabric and materials.They  run creative…

image of Ruth Alade

3 ways to increase your sales by changing your relationship with…sales |Ruth Alade

When I started my career in sales, I didn’t understand how big of a role mindset played in selling. I thought selling was all about strategy, skill and asking clever questions. I paid very little attention to the mindset piece and it showed in my results – 100’s of sales calls with just a tiny…