
Movers & Shakers

It’s all in the name. Here you will find women who are inspiring movement in their fields for all the right reasons. Follow their journeys and tell us if there’s someone in your network who ought to share their own!

Movers and Shakers | Atiti Sosimi CEO | Atiti is distinctly different/The Big Secret Company

Describe your business in one paragraph The Big Secret Company is a new social enterprise organisation, which delivers playful learning communication experience to young people, working professionals and family groups at their locations or by attending our open events. We use our unique resources: The Big Secret – a very short story and Shhh or…

image of Lenique Louis and logo

Movers and Shakers | Lenique Louis | Founder | Lenique Louis Ltd

We continue our series focusing on women of colour in business, leadership and work.  Lenique Louis creates luxury handmade jewellery for men and women influenced by Coral Reef. Her entrepreneurial journey has included placements and internships with renowned jewellery designer Stephen Webster and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II former jewellers, Garrard & Co.  Lenique won…

Movers and Shakers | Farida Gibbs | CEO Gibbs S3

Describe your business in one paragraph We are a global IT Staffing, IT Project Solutions, and Technology resourcing business with expertise across Financial Services, Oil & Gas, Consumer Goods and the Pharmaceutical industries Number of employees: 20 Company location: London, Surrey, Cheshire Why did you decide to start your company? I’ve always wanted to run my own…

image of Karen Power

Movers and Shakers | Karen Power | Drug & Alcohol Education Services

Why did you decide to go into business? After working in the drugs field as a practitioner for eight years, I knew I was a good communicator and was capable of working for myself. I also never really liked the politics that exist in organisations and as a Black woman I have always wanted to…