
Movers and Shakers | Atiti Sosimi CEO | Atiti is distinctly different/The Big Secret Company

Describe your business in one paragraph The Big Secret Company is a new social enterprise organisation, which delivers playful learning communication experience to young people, working professionals and family groups at their locations or by attending our open events. We use our unique resources: The Big Secret – a very short story and Shhh or…

What Does Leadership Mean to You? | Ronke Lawal

Leadership is such a powerful concept. It is more than simply a word but a continual process, a series of actions that inspires people to follow and live up to the very best that their chosen leader manifests. Throughout history we see that strong leadership can make or break empires and this is something that…

What Does Leadership Mean To You? | Viv Grant

We often think about leadership in the context of an individual being able to lead and influence others. When we look at politicians, world leaders and the media’s projections of what ‘they’ think it means to be a leader, the image often portrayed, is that of the individual who commands authority and respect from others….

image of Lenique Louis and logo

Movers and Shakers | Lenique Louis | Founder | Lenique Louis Ltd

We continue our series focusing on women of colour in business, leadership and work.  Lenique Louis creates luxury handmade jewellery for men and women influenced by Coral Reef. Her entrepreneurial journey has included placements and internships with renowned jewellery designer Stephen Webster and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II former jewellers, Garrard & Co.  Lenique won…